How I Grew a Shaq-Sized Marijuana Plant at Home
It took a foray into cannabis cultivation to make this pot enthusiast realize she had been getting gouged all these years.
Strib Drops Cartoonist, Adds Weed Newsletter
Plus the Merwin Liquors problem, televised local music, and a beautiful glimpse into the soul of Minnesota in today's Flyover news roundup.
Weed Weviews: 4 Things I Tried in September
I tried a few canned beverages, some THC drops, and a charming THC sugar cube.
Is This the Only Photo of Would-Be Pot Commish Erin DuPree That Exists?
Plus billboards for Judaism, PAC money for St. Paul, and the state's worst drivers in today's Flyover news roundup.
Weed Weviews: 4 Things I Tried in August
I tried two bubblies, a classic gummy, and an after-dinner mint this month.
Even Cheech & Chong Want THC Tips From Minnesota Brewers
Plus following the Feed Our Future trail, yoga studio owner dies, and good news for adoptees in today's Flyover news roundup.
Let’s Watch Pee Wee Herman Read a Mpls Dating Ad to David Letterman
Plus a $9.2M crypto scam, reparations of sorts, and celebratory legalization pics in today's Flyover.
Let’s Talk MN Cannabis Legalization with the Weed Lady Lawyer
Jen Randolph Reise, the self-dubbed Weed Lady Lawyer, fields our far-flung Qs about the brave new world of legalized cannabis.
Weed is Legal in Minnesota. Let’s Go Shopping!
Your guide to local THC shops, boutiques, and small-scale makers.
Dispatch to Stop Publishing—For Now
Plus Richfield likely to OK edibles, Wedge LIVE! vs. the courts, and a little news about us in today's Flyover news roundup.