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Plug Your Creations in This Week’s Friday Open Thread

It's your turn to talk about whatever you want here at Racket Em En Dot Com.

Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash|

This is you being creative, probably.

Jay wrote a good intro to yesterday's ICYMI newsletter. (Quick digression: Are you signed up for our newsletters? Great way to keep up with what we're doing over here.) Anyway! He said to "plug your band, your book, your biz, anything you created and want people to know about."

I liked that so much I decided to steal it for this week's prompt on our Friday Open Thread. (For those of you just tuning in, the Open Thread is where we turn the site over to you, the readers, to talk amongst yourself in the comments.) Be your most un-Minnesotan self and brag about whatever you've made, done, or enabled.

Or, of course, you can ignore this and talk about whatever you want. This is your open thread, after all.

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