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Let’s Talk About Stuff to Do Inside in This Friday’s Open Thread

Every Friday, we turn the site over to our readers. And hey, it's Friday!

Sdf Rahbar via Unsplash|

This is you this weekend.

It's finally getting cold out there. (I knew it would—my birthday weekend traditionally comes during the worst cold snaps of the winter.) And there may soon even be enough snow for you active types to carry on with whatever seasonal sports you've been waiting for.

For the rest of us, though, winter often means hunkering down at home. That's not necessarily a bad thing—sometimes it's nice to have an excuse to cocoon and catch up on sedentary pleasures. I personally have some hefty books to work through. (On my shelf right now: Will Hermes's perceptive Lou Reed bio, The King of New York; Leon Forrest's recently reissued Divine Days, an epically comic novel about Black life in '60s Chicago; and Malcolm Harris's Palo Alto, essentially a Marxist reading of California history that's both breezily narrated and carefully argued.)

How about you, Racket readers? What are your favorite indoor activities, and how excited are you to have the opportunity to indulge in them?

Of course, as I always say, you can ignore this prompt and just talk about whatever you like. This is your open thread, after all.

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