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An Open Thread… on a WEDNESDAY?!!?!?!

I can't even believe I'm doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

Hope you're not too thrown by this shocking break with tradition, but we wanted to sneak in one last open thread before Thanksgiving. For those of you who haven't run across a Racket open thread before, that's where we turn the comment section over to you fine readers and let you run amok on a topic of your choosing.

But we also like to provide a little prompt, to nudge new or reluctant participants into the conversation. And today, in the spirit of the season, let's ask that time-honored round-the-table question "What are you grateful for?" I'll start with the easy and obvious answer: Racket readers and subscribers, who allow us to do what we do for a living? Like, right now? These dumb words I'm typing? I get paid to do that. Unbelievable!

Oh, and also, I saw y'all sharing recipes in last week's open thread and I absolutely want to encourage that practice.

And, of course, feel free to ignore these prompts and talk about whatever you want. This is your open thread, after all.

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