Stephen Silver

Craig Finn Talks Tim Walz, David Carr, Twins Pain, and Whether the Hold Steady Count as a Local Band
'There will be more Hold Steady shows,' teases Finn, whose solo tour hits the Fitz this Saturday. 'We’ll be celebrating the 20th anniversary of our album 'Separation Sunday,' and Minnesotans will have a chance to celebrate that with us, details forthcoming.'
Brief Curse Lifted? Twins Correct ‘Pucket’ Typo Spree Outside Target Field.
Inconsequential? Maybe. Hugely important for a protracted playoff run? We'll see.
What Would a WrestleMania in MN Look Like?
Minneapolis is on the shortlist for next year's WrestleMania. Let's speculate wildly about what that might be like!
The Long, Floppy Life of ‘Dildo on the News,’ KSTP’s Pioneering Viral Video
Did the '90s TV news clip recently inspire a Coen brother? We asked!