Three bucks doesn't get you a whole lot these days. A few bags of chips from the vending machine, watermelon-flavored Lip Smacker, a microfiber duster from Temu—these are the sorts of uninspired items your trio of Washingtons can procure.
Now, what if we told you that $3 could get you several months of hyperlocal journalism? That for just over the price of a Kowalski's corn dog, you could enjoy three months of Racket?
It's true! Now through the end of January, we're offering new subscribers the biggest and best deal we've ever offered: a three-month Lookout-tier Racket subscription for just 3 U.S. dollars. That's a $15 value! Simply click here, punch in the coupon code RACKET3, and enjoy.

There's no catch, and there are no strings attached. It's easy to cancel your subscription once April rolls around, if you so choose. We just believe that once you've had unlimited access for a few months, you'll want to stick around at the regular cost of $5/month. (That price, which is less than a non-slip doormat from Temu, is still a steal!)
Racket doesn't receive any grant money, and it doesn't have any outside investors. Almost every dollar we earn comes from readers—just take a look at our most recent Year in Review. That cash goes directly to us, the four owner/editors, and to a wonderful cast of 100+ local freelance contributors. If you’ve been enjoying and appreciating the award-winning journalism, the goofy journalism, the weekly events coverage, and all the other stuff, we humbly ask that you come aboard.
Unless, of course, you had your bills earmarked for that microfiber duster. It does look convenient.