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In This Week’s Open Thread, Let’s Talk About Why I Didn’t Get Any Trick-or-Treaters Last Night

As we do every Friday, we're turning Racket over to you, the reader.

Nick Fewings at Unsplash

I know Halloween is over, but I want to talk about trick-or-treaters—primarily about how none of them came to my house last night. Zero.

I'm not counting the two teens came by with pillowcases and no costumes at 6 p.m. sharp and I don't think I should.

I know that there are lots of alternatives to door-to-door candy-begging these days, and I don't think there are many kids on my block. But still, I was hoping for a few little visitors. I can't eat all these Reese's and Snickers, people. I just can't!

How about the rest of you? Were you more fortunate? Did you take your own tykes out last night? How did Halloween 2024 compare to its previous incarnations?

The alternative to recapping Halloween was talking about the election, and you're of course free to do that, especially since I trust you not to turn the conversation into one of those "JUST VOTE!" and "DON'T TELL ME TO VOTE!" endless feedback loops that pass for political discussion online. Personally, I'm just trying to keep my anxiety in check, monitoring the shallow-breathing stage and apprehensively awaiting the queasy stomach phase.

Of course, as I always say, feel free to ignore this prompt and talk about whatever you want. This is your Open Thread

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