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How to Get Married on a Cult-Loved Horror TV Show

Following one of the most disturbing movies ever, two locals exchanged beautiful televised vows.


The happy couple

For fans of horror movies, Joe Bob Briggs casts a long and estimable shadow. The Dallas-born actor/film critic has been a drawling, Lone Star-sipping champion of all things gory, creepy, terrifying, and/or schlocky since the ’80s, when he began hosting the Movie Channel's Joe Bob's Drive-in Theater and through the ’90s with TNT's MonsterVision. Since 2018, he has held the reins at The Last Drive-in, a Shudder streamer that’s beloved by his decades-old horde of “Mutant” fans.

Joe Bob, fittingly, has orchestrated a funeral in his past. But he hadn’t officiated a wedding until last month. That’s when two Minneapolitan Mutants—Shelby Lano and Oliver Moltaji—journeyed to Las Vegas to claim a prize they’d won via charity auction: An on-air wedding during an episode of The Last Drive-in, complete with officiant Joe Bob, his adult film star co-host Darcy the Mail Girl, and one notoriously twisted 1988 film. “Part of our bit is we keep edging and ending on the most ridiculous situations involving our relationship,” Moltaji said during the two-part broadcast. “This is the icing on the cake.”

The ceremony featured surplus camp and blood, though it was firmly rooted in the powerful connection between two people bound together by love, self-expression, and perseverance. While the wedding was inspired by ridiculousness, it concluded with universal tears inside a technicolor old-school Vegas chapel. “There are no plans to do it again,” director Austin Jennings tells Racket. “Ultimately, as a statement about Mutant love, this was a standalone—we really love Shelby and Oliver.” 

This is the story of how that lovely couple ended up on a very special Last Drive-in episode entitled "Joe Bob's Vicious Vegas Valentine." 

(Shelby is a former City Pages staffer, where they worked alongside Racket’s four co-founders, and they’ve done design work—including the Weed Week logo—for Racket.) 

Winning a Mutant TV Wedding

How do a pair of quiet south Minneapolis residents end up flying to Old Vegas for a wedding officiated by a horror icon that will air to an audience of thousands of movie lovers? It starts with a superhuman commitment to the bit… and perhaps an indifference towards Cracker Barrel. 

Shelby: We had talked about marriage for a long time, right?

Ollie: It was like an idea, but we didn’t know how to do it.

Shelby: We had even discussed it being in Vegas. We knew we didn’t want to do something huge, and like, in a church, something super traditional. We’re both a little nervy and a little insular, and so the idea of being in front of, like, your fifth cousin who you don’t even know and saying your vows sounded bad.

Ollie: There are also other traditions of weddings that we didn’t really want, I suppose. I’d feel bad if guests felt like they had to come and felt obligated to be there. This opportunity was cool because the Mutant family community could be part of it and share it with us, or friends that couldn’t make it to the launch party could watch it at home. Or not!

Shelby: Money was a big thing too—I’ve seen many a friend spend a lot of money on a wedding, and then they just black out the whole day because it’s so exciting and stressful. They don’t even remember it. We had a bunch of ideas, like, “Do we take the money we would have spent on a wedding and like, go on vacation, or put it towards a future house?”

Austin Jennings, director: Every year we do holiday specials, and we auction off memorabilia, props from the show, sometimes just junk. We wanted to do something new, and the idea of a wedding came up. And not as a joke—we wanted to find two fans that had come together because of their love for the stuff the show represents. Our show’s community is a collection of outcasts; the show is a beacon for them to meet each other, gather, and rally for the things they love.

Shelby: The charity auction, when we watched that, we were like, “Well… that’s a good idea.” Then it’s all going to charity, and it’s iconic. What do they call it, is it the Ghoultide Get-Together? There’s a bunch of different prizes, from, like, a fake blood-spattered background that Darcy took pictures in front of, or a lawn chair that Joe Bob sits in. One prize was you go with Joe Bob to Cracker Barrel and you have lunch.

Ollie: That was funny, ‘cause we thought that the wedding was going to be the most popular one, but when we talked to the producers on the phone they were like, “Yeah, the Cracker Barrel one was like, too hot to handle.” People were going nuts over it. They got $20 or $25,000 for that one. People probably thought the wedding was too daring. [The couple’s winning $17,827 wedding bid included hotel, airfare, and venue costs.]

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: They had been over at my house, and Ollie was asking, “How much would a wedding cost?” “What are the usual things?” I think they were trying to figure out how much to bid on this experience. So then a few days later they were like, “We’re shocked! We got the high bid in the auction and we’re getting married in, like, two weeks!”

Austin Jennings, director: I told Joe Bob he should absolutely cold call ‘em to tell them they’ve won, that feels like part of the experience they just paid for—that’d be the weirdest thing ever. Joe Bob doesn’t really think of himself as much of a celebrity. So he calls them out of the blue, tells them they’ve won, and just asks basic questions. He calls me back and says, “I think they’re one of us, they seem cool… I think I probably scared ‘em.”

Ollie: Joe Bob cold called me—I had no idea who it was, I was like, on the treadmill—and the first thing he said was, “You won!” 

Shelby: I will say, mind you, I did not know Ollie was bidding this whole time. Last I checked we were like, “Ha ha ha, what’s the max we could spend on this? Ha ha ha, this is such a funny idea.” And then he came running up to me, sweating and bug-eyed, and handed me the phone, and Joe Bob was like, “Hey! Shelby!” It sounded like my dead dad at first so I was like, “…Hello?” He’s like, “You’re getting married, I’m sure you knew that!” and I was like, “No!” 

Ollie: Then his next question was, “Well, we’re doing this, right?” And then everything you could be worried about with a wedding collapsed in on us, and we had to process that in like, a couple days. 

Shelby: Yeah, I don’t know how people plan a wedding over a year. I mean, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen my friends toil over napkins. So in a way it feels like all of that, just condensed into a month. And now I feel fuckin’ done!

Austin Jennings, director: The big takeaway from the production side of the show: Once we met Shelby and Ollver, we were incredibly inspired to reevaluate the creative side of the show. To make it as appropriate, as weird, but also as honest and powerful as we could for them. Because we really loved ‘em.

Ollie: And having Joe Bob and the director and the crew—they were basically wedding planners. When they came at us with this, I had the sense they had no idea how this was going to be structured or what they were going to do, they just had the movies. Our call with Austin, the director, was a couple hours long. We thought it would be a couple minutes. 

Shelby: Well, I needed to hear everything about his experience working on Teen Mom.

Ollie: I think when he felt chill about us and was inspired by our stories—I sent him pictures of what we look like—he was like, “OK, we gotta go whole hog into this and involve them more throughout the episode.”

Shelby: Once we met and hung out with them things felt great. But it was clear that they were like, “We’re really going out on a limb here.”

Austin Jennings, director: It was important to me and Joe Bob that the couple was a legitimate couple, and that we didn’t have our thumbs on the scale to quote-unquote make good TV. So we decided to make it part of the charity auction. Win-win: Somewhere there’s a Mutant couple that wants to get married anyway, weddings are already expensive, so maybe there’s somebody out there for whom this is exactly what they want. That was kind of a dice roll… we could have ended up with a real maniac [laughs].

Ollie: I think in a nutshell, they just didn't know what to expect. They were willing to go along with whatever, as long as, to quote them, “The couple weren’t Nazis.”

Shelby: They just wanted to make sure we weren’t freaks with bad politics. 

Austin Jennings, director: Had we gone through the trouble of casting in the style of a reality TV show—two people to represent our fanbase, but also be incredibly unique, loving, and open onscreen—we could not have done better. 

Ollie and Shelby shooting segments for the show.Provided

Entering Las Vegas

Just weeks after Joe Bob Briggs cold called the couple, they found themselves en route to Vegas with their closest friends and family members—still not entirely sure what to expect from their streaming TV debut. As it turns out, Jennings, Briggs, and the rest of The Last Drive-in crew had big plans for their first and only wedding episode, including a series of skits starring the special guests and pre-vow interviews that would air in between segments of the two movies.

Ollie: We thought it was gonna be just a wedding at the end of the show, and be funny and fun. I had no idea we would be so involved in it. 

Shelby: We were not aware until we got there of the extent of it, or that—even when I showed up at the chapel on the day—we were going to do interviews.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: When they announced on Christmas Eve that they were getting married, I wasn’t surprised. I was surprised about the kind of reality TV angle, if that’s what you call this? I don’t know, I barely can learn streaming. 

Shelby: It was three weeks, I think, from when they had called us until the wedding. Because Joe Bob, on the phone, was like, “Congrats! We’re thinking about the Valentine’s special.” And I’m like, “Wow, Valentine’s Day is soon.” And they’re like, “Yeah, and we’ll have to film it ahead of time, so we’re thinking January.” …What? This was over Christmas break. It was very hectic. But I remembered the wedding shop, Vow’d in Northeast—I took my sister there for her wedding. And they have a big selection, big price range, fast turnaround. 

Chris Stedman, best man: We were flying by the seat of our pants. Ollie and I ordered the custom-fit, hand-embroidered suits, and we were somehow able to get them in three weeks. My wedding date was the photographer. Everyone just pitched in. We got to Vegas a day-and-half before the wedding. We threw together very last-minute bachelor/bachelorette celebrations.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: I would like to point out that it was my idea for Ollie to wear a Nudie suit. 

Shelby: We got to Vegas the day before, and we went out with the crew, and chatted, got some BTS, got to know each other and had a lot of fun. The day of, I had to get up very early because I was doing my own hair and makeup, and they wanted to shoot our morning scenes. We got ready, did all that, went straight over to the chapel—we’d gone to the courthouse the day before to get our license—and did some more paperwork at the chapel. We got to meet the woman who runs it, who is also an LGBTQ icon, so I felt at home immediately, and got to see Joe Bob in his big Elvis suit. 

Austin Jennings, director: Classic Joe Bob: He agreed to it immediately, and despite it being his idea, he had never officiated a wedding. He rose to the occasion. He’s a softie, a lovely compassionate man. You could hear his voice breaking during the ceremony.

Ollie: I was actually worried that I would steal his thunder, but then I saw his suit and I was like, well, I can’t touch that. 

Shelby: And I was worried I’d be too sexy, and then I saw Darcy there, and well… I got showed up.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: We stayed at the El Cortez, which is the last family-owned casino in Vegas. It might’ve opened in the ’30s, I think? So that was fun, except for the elevators breaking down one day. That Fremont Street area of Vegas—that is awesome. 

Joe Bob and Darcy the MailgirlProvided

Joe Bob, host: The winners are a couple from Minneapolis, Oliver and Shelby, who are over at the luxurious El Cortez Hotel preparing for their Fremont Wedding Chapel nuptials. It’s an Old Vegas experience. 

Darcy the Mailgirl, co-host: A prehistoric Old Vegas experience.

Austin Jennings, director: We chose the Fremont chapel because it had been open forever, and just seemed the gaudiest. I had only seen pictures, but boy was I happy when I arrived because it was a technicolor nightmare.

Shelby: We got all our family and friends in there, there were a couple little pews, and then they kind of went over really quick: We’re doing interviews, we’re doing this, we’re going to send you out. Luckily I had Chris, who was a stand-in parent for the day. My real mom was there, and then my fake mom, Chris. 

Ollie: Everyone had a very pivotal role. Our moms, our families that were there. Our friend Chris was an important stage mom, our other friend Chloe was there as my groomsman. They got us cake, they got us sushi bowls. And each one of them took pictures… It took a small village to make this wedding. It was nonstop from 7 in the morning until 2 in the morning.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: It was kind of funny to see the sausage-making of filming, making what appears to be a kind of reality show. It’s just interesting to see the film crew, what they had to retake and restart. Obviously, this Joe Bob guy has done it for a long time, and he was very good at seeming off-the-cuff even when he was reading off the teleprompter. 

Ollie: I was actually worried I was going to look so strung out… but I think I actually look best in the last scenes, somehow. In one of the first scenes, which is just me and [Last Drive-in music coordinator] John Brennan, he’s yelling at me and telling me things that make no sense—we went through that like 30 times in our friend’s hotel room. And this guy on the other side of the wall kept coughing and sneezing. We lost our shit.

Shelby: I did my scenes with Felissa Rose—famous, famous, beloved figure in the horror community, did Sleepaway Camp, and the sweetest angel on the planet, it turns out. She was an instant homie. She cried, she was like, “I love love, I’m so happy for you!” And then we went to do our scenes where she had to give me bad advice about being lazy and watching TV and not shaving your legs.

Ollie: Yeah John, who was coaching me, is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. He loves print film and is planning on traveling the country with his partner in their little camper, and he wants to come to Minneapolis to check out Trylon and stuff like that. That’s another unique fact about this show: It’s one of the only Last Drive-Ins where they didn’t script much of it. Some of the portions with Joe Bob and Darcy, it’s heavily scripted so they can get the right camera shots. But everything beyond that was totally done off the cuff, or Shelby and I workshopped what to do.

Shelby: Our little skits weren’t written out. 

Ollie: We had to kind of improv them. And then it was Shelby’s idea to do, “The love will never die.”

Shelby: Oh yeah, the phrase of the show is “The Drive-In will never die.”

Ollie: I remember I was in the back room, Darcy’s there, looking just like how she looks in the show, and Joe Bob’s trying to quickly run down things with me, and I was like, “How about I say ‘Our love will never die,’ and Shelby will say, ‘Our love will never die,’ and Joe Bob will look in the camera and say, ‘The love will never die.’” Darcy was like, “Oh, that’s good.”

Shelby: I also didn’t want gendered language in the show, so at the end he’s like, “I’ll pronounce you married,” Instead of “husband and wife” or “bride and groom.” I also didn’t want any of that… you know, sometimes when people officiate, it’s just a lot of weird coveting language. 

Ollie and ShelbyProvided

Mall Killers, Necrophiles, and Love: A Very Joe Bob Wedding

Each episode of The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs follows a similar format. Briggs hosts a marathon of two or more horror films alongside Darcy the Mail Girl. Between movie segments, Briggs shares fun facts and Darcy fires back. Sometimes there are interviews, or music, or special guests like Eli Roth or Chris Jericho, and movies run the spooky gamut from Re-Animator to The Hills Have Eyes to Frankenhooker.

This very special “Vicious Vegas Valentine” episode began harmlessly enough, with the 1989 mall slasher Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge. (Notably, as Joe Bob explained during one segment, it’s Pauly Shore’s acting debut.) The second flick of the evening, though? None other than Nekromantik, a controversial 1988 German exploitation film that features animal abuse, a threesome with a decomposing corpse, and one extremely memorable, ah… climax.

Joe Bob, host: We're marrying two Drive-In Mutants later tonight—two ridiculously good-looking Mutants who could sign with the Elite modeling agency at any moment—and why are they doing it here? Because they want to stand up in front of thousands of other Mutants like ourselves and say: We love each other, we're together, and we don't care how you're supposed to do this, we're going to do it our way. The anti-establishment way. The fun way. And we want everybody to witness: This is who we are.

Austin Jennings, director: The show was doing two things at once: poking fun at the traditional idea of marriage, and the fact that Vegas has become part of the American version of that. And then we showed the two movies…

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: I won’t be seeing those movies. They talked about it quite a bit during the filming—I forget the name of his sidekick, Darcy? She was wearing, like, a Playboy bunny outfit, because of the rabbit killing in the movie. There was quite a bit of talk about the movies. And I was just like, “What? You picked this for the wedding?”

Ollie: I think we’re the reason they got so many people to watch Nekromantik.

Shelby: There were plenty of people that were like, “I’m gonna stay awake for the wedding at the end, but like, come on.”

Ollie: It’s not even really a love story. I mean it is, but it’s not like a romantic comedy, happy movie.

Shelby: On Valentine’s specials they do romantic horror. But this one, man… you bring home a dead person for your girlfriend—

Ollie: Well, for the two of you—

Shelby: And then she prefers the dead person over you! She prefers the dead unicorn! I think this is a lesson to all people bringing a third into their bedroom. You need to know this is a possibility, alive or dead.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: I think they’re supposed to get the raw file of just the video of their ceremony, because like, I can’t tell my friends to go to this Shudder channel and watch this! One of my friends was asking—an old friend who’s known Shelby since they were a baby—and she was like, “When can we tune in?” I was like, “Oh… no.”

Shelby: And it’s like, man, I get the importance, I get that it’s like, it was made as a commentary about German censorship, and apparently the second one is kind of feminist in a weird way? But would I be watching it alone in my free time? Probably not. Now we can all at least say we’ve seen it. And think about how horrible it would have been to watch if there wasn’t some salve after.

Ollie: I think we’ll be immortalized or associated with that movie forever.

Shelby: Oh no, not that! Not that!

The ceremonyProvided

Ollie: It totally taps into our sense of nostalgia though, because it’s done on Super 8. Most of the movies we associate with that are like, Faces of Death, or weird documentary footage. You kind of associate that with graphic realness, as opposed to now, where you can CGI anything into what looks like cell phone camera footage. There’s something about the grittiness of it that just makes you feel like you’re watching something wrong, like a snuff film, or something.

Shelby: The ecosystem of grindhouse today is so gnarly that it almost makes it look tame, in a way.

Ollie: When Joe Bob brought it up, I was like, “That’s weird, but, sure.”

Shelby: On the phone I think I was like, “Uh… OK. That’s so funny, last year on Valentine’s Day you played Love Witch, but sure.

Joe Bob, host: What kind of person would make this movie? The answer is: Angry German punk artists suffering under a period of strict government censorship—you're uncomfortable because they want you to be uncomfortable. I realize there are probably levels of unreality for some of you that may be difficult to deal with if you're not a horror fan. But we're really not bad people; we just have bad taste.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: I tried to find a Reddit thread, because Shelby’s older sister had set up some thread where people could comment during the ceremony. I couldn't find it, but I saw the ad for the show, and it was like, “Wait ‘til you see the movies that the couple picked out!” I was like, “They didn’t pick them out! I don’t know anybody who would!”

Austin Jennings, director: We bring the family in during the middle of Nekromantik, and because of the nature of the film, Joe Bob is doing a deep-dive on famous high-volume necrophiles throughout history. He goes as hard as he’s ever gone in his life, talking about some of the grossest stuff he’s talked about… I will say, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Despite that, the family was incredibly supportive, even though we made it as hard as possible for them.

Ollie: I revisited Nekromantik a little bit after they told us, and I was like, “Well, I can’t stop it!” But then I saw the vision and was like, “This could work.” And somehow it does. I really liked the theme song in the movie… I actually wanted Shelby to walk down the aisle to it, but they couldn’t get the licensing.

Shelby: And the whole twirling the entrails in the field thing was… lowkey kind of beautiful?

Ollie: Even the throuple scene. I guess I get necrophilia?

Shelby: I wonder if it wasn’t maybe a little test from Joe Bob specifically, like, “Who would really get married after this movie?” Like, you’ve gotta be a freak. Freaks only. All I know is, when I show my relatives, we will be fast forwarding through that portion.

Austin Jennings, director: We intentionally chose it as a wedding film. I wanted the wedding to not be subversive, to be a straight song for how much these two people love each other. I wanted the movie to be so outrageous, nuts, and also kind of about love and maybe something that’s also misunderstood—but also every bit as gross as you think it is. The most punk-rock thing we could do, for the Mutant family, was to do a straight wedding after a viewing of a movie like that. It’s the salt on our chocolate for this wedding.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: Shelby got to get dressed in their little chapel—The Little Neon Chapel—and we had a little time to chat before. After watching how weird the show was I was like, “Uh oh.” But the ceremony was very sweet! 

Chris Stedman, best man: Maybe it was this paternal feeling incited by being the one walking Shelby down the aisle, but I just felt my responsibility that day was to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible, particularly for Shelby and Ollie. It was a moving and humbling thing, to be asked. To even have a little bit of your community there, that’s important.

Austin Jennings, director: I wanted to leave Joe Bob’s comments a surprise to them. And I was happy to hear they wanted to write their own vows. We took a look at those right before the shoot, and once I saw what they were going to say, I was like, “Alright, we’re gonna move all the cameras so we make sure to see their faces; this is lovely.” 

Joe Bob, during the ceremony: You got a fake Elvis, you got a Playboy Bunny, you got a cheap Vegas wedding chapel, you’ve got a Super 8 punk movie shot in Berlin in the ’80s with disgusting images banned in several countries, so I hope we did right by the two of ya.

Shelby: It’s what I’ve always dreamed of!

Joe Bob: Thank you Oliver and Shelby for allowing us to turn your wedding into some kind of deranged performance art. 

Oliver, during his vows: I’ve longed for you far beyond this life we’ve lived so far… I’m still continuously in awe of you, and I never want to lose my way. And the fire of our love will always keep that path lit.

Shelby, during their vows: We’ve once again taken a bit as far as it can go… I can’t tell you how much you’ve healed the kid in me, just by loving me the way that you do and keeping me safe. We’re our own strange little family together.

Joe Bob: I now expect you to share a major, big-league kiss—go for it! 

Chris Stedman, best man: As moving as it was watching on the screen later… standing there in this tacky wedding chapel, with this strange collection of people, and you’re having this profoundly human experience? It was such a surreal experience. Everyone there was sobbing. It was so beautiful.

Debra Swanson, Shelby’s mom: Seeing Shelby walk in, Joe Bob and the crew all kind of had a look of awe. I think they thought it could have been weird too. But once they got up there, Ollie—it was so sweet—Ollie was sobbing, so then Shelby was kind of crying, and everybody was tearing up, trying not to cry. After the ceremony Ollie goes, “What did you think?” And I go, “Well, that was weird.” He says, “Weird in a good way, or weird in a bad way?” And I’m like… “I’m just gonna say weird.” But you know what? It was heartfelt, and sincere, and touching. That was the best part.

Ollie and Shelby, freshly marriedProvided

A Disturbingly Beautiful Encore

Shelby and Ollie’s wedding aired on Shudder at 8 p.m. on Friday, February 10. Thousands of Mutants tuned in and followed along using #TheLastDriveIn and #ViciousVegasValentine hashtags; many more chimed in via the live episode thread on Reddit or signed the couple’s digital guestbook. Back in Minneapolis, Shelby and Ollie welcomed friends to gather around a projector in their living room, where they laughed, groaned, and screamed through the movies, then sobbed through the wedding vows. The dutiful newlywed hosts made sure everyone had plenty of Heggies pizza and Lone Star beer.

Chris Stedman, best man: When the show actually aired, Shelby and Ollie had people over to watch it together. It was so funny actually seeing the movies… the first one was silly, the second one was truly one of the most disturbing, visceral, disgusting things I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m pretty numb to horror, gore, whatever, and it was kind of refreshing to know I can still be shocked by a piece of media.

Ollie: It definitely felt like there was magic there. I remember when the ceremony happened, I was worried I was going to lose it and cry. And I think they might have cut some scenes out of me doing that, but I tried to keep it together. And I also was cognizant that like, whatever happens is going to get captured on a medium, and it’s going to be special for the world to see. I remember when it happened, it was just like tunnel vision—me looking at Shelby. I don’t think it could have happened with any other wedding, any normal wedding. Because we had cameras on us, we had particular sight lines, we had teleprompters keeping us focused on each other. It was one of the greatest moments, I think. 

Shelby: I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to be present. First of all, I’m such a homebody since the pandemic started. So I’m like, in another state, in a strange place, around some people I just met, around someone I really admire. And then it’s gonna be on TV, and I’m gonna be afraid of people on Reddit calling me ugly and dumb, so I was having horrible panic attacks the weeks leading up to this. Even in my interview, I’m nervous. But when it came down to vows, I was so just locked into Ollie. It felt so joyous. And I was so happy that I could just be present in the moment. 

Ollie: It felt like it was something that was just unstoppable. You just had to jump off that cliff and really get into it, or lose yourself completely. And I don’t feel the same since that. It’s like our world has transformed to what it is now. For the absolute best. It’s like we stepped through some portal into who we are now.

Shelby: It’s been really cute seeing the fan reactions, and the reactions of the people who put it together, that they feel proud of the episode and proud that we’re there representing the Mutants.

Ollie: It felt like the sentiment was like, maybe there’s some low expectations all around, but it all came together.

Chris Stedman, best man: I’m so happy this show gives everyone who hasn’t been fortunate enough to meet them, just a glimpse into what special people they are, what a special couple they are. It’s so cool the world got to see, even for a second, a little bit of what I feel.

Shelby: I definitely didn’t want to talk a lot about my dead dad on that day. I think I kind of skirted that. But Ollie was very brave and open talking about losing his dad, and I think it’s also a big part of our love and who we are as people and what we mean to each other and what marriage means, really. We’re building our own family, because we don’t necessarily have a ton of outside family, you know? There were some burly horror dudes online who were like, “I’m crying.”

Ollie: Yeah, the people who had rough relationships in the past, or divorces, but they felt hope from this episode, or relate to what we were talking about in our interviews, or what we had as a couple.

Shelby: I got some really nice messages from people being like, “Oh this reminds me of me and my partner,” or like, “This reminds me of me and my friends, and how we’re just trying to find a place to belong and how we’re always living in the bit.” And the memes! Someone was live tweeting the show, and they were like, “I threw up in the sink!” And then they were like, “Well now I’m crying!” …Sex, love, and death. What else is there?

Ollie: Pauly Shore on a motorcycle. 

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