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Drink Prices? Twins Collapse? Board Games? Pick the Open Thread Topic You Want.

As we do every Friday, we're turning Racket over to you, the readers.

Adam Jaime on Unsplash;; Dave Photoz on Unsplash

Rather than ask one big question for this week's Open Thread, I thought I'd pepper you a bunch of medium-sized ones and let you make some choices.

Jay pointed me in the direction of this Reddit thread where people complain—and with some justification—about the exorbitant cost of drinks at local clubs. As someone who hasn't bought a drink at a show in over 25 years, I'm personally pretty astonished by the numbers. All I can say is there's no way I could afford to drink the way I used to drink at those prices. (Of course, no one should ever drink the way I used to drink!)

Where have you noticed the most expensive drinks in town? Is it forcing you to cut down on your intake? Does it effect whether you feel like going out or not?

Meanwhile, there's the Twins' almost complete collapse in recent weeks. They're now all but mathematically eliminated from a postseason spot. I'm sure more'n a few of you (including one particular Tigers fan) have something to say about that. Who do you blame?

Oh, and one final Q. I'm working on a feature about card and board games, a subject I don't know a whole lot about. (Though I did make my own Risk boards as a kid—I was especially proud of my Roman Empire one.) I had no idea Minnesota was such an epicenter of game creation, or of the rather heady questions that game designers are addressing when they create new games.

Any tabletop gamers out there in Racket-land? What do you play? Where do you play? How long have you been at it? Any tips for starters?

Even though I've given you a few options today, I will add, as I always do, that you should feel free to ignore these prompts and talk about whatever you want. This is your Open Thread after all.

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