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Em Cassel

Em Cassel (she/they) is a cyclist, a metalcore apologist, and a co-owner and editor of Racket.

Change Is Underway at Malcolm Yards Market

As some other food halls struggle, this Prospect Park market appears to be thriving.

August 9, 2023

Xcel Suggests Silent Majority of Minnesotans Want Its Executives to Make More Money

Plus downtown adaptations, James Cameron in Duluth, and a furry First Ave birthday in today's Flyover news roundup.

So, There’s an MN State Fair-Themed RPG Called ‘Butter Princess’

The tabletop game that asks: 'When a 90-pound butter bust is on the line, how far will you go?'

August 7, 2023

Even Cheech & Chong Want THC Tips From Minnesota Brewers

Plus following the Feed Our Future trail, yoga studio owner dies, and good news for adoptees in today's Flyover news roundup.

Let’s Watch Pee Wee Herman Read a Mpls Dating Ad to David Letterman

Plus a $9.2M crypto scam, reparations of sorts, and celebratory legalization pics in today's Flyover.

Lawsuit: Lizzo Treats Dancers Bad as Hell

Plus don't eat the poisoned fish, new Vikings doc, and the Strib insults a golfer in today's Flyover news roundup.

Everything We Know About the Man Killed Today by MN State Patrol

Plus Duluth rallies for DJ, coaster king profiled, and prison discrimination abounds in today's Flyover news roundup.