music listings
The Week’s Complete Concert Calendar: Feb 22-27
This week's highlights: A locally sourced Neil Young tribute band, a critically acclaimed Canadian chamber folkie, and a fake-baby-having former One Direction member.
The Week’s Complete Concert Calendar: Feb 15-21
Bruise Violet, Solid Gold, and plenty more live music
This Week’s Complete Concert Calendar: Dessa at First Ave, Jeremy Messersmith (with Strings) at the Dakota, Lotsa Other Stuff
Just about every live music show we know of in the Twin Cities this week.
Los Lobos, a Bob Marley Tribute, and Gobs More Great Music in This Weekend’s Concert Calendar
The most comprehensive music listings in the Twin Cities? We think so.
New Local Music Friday: Elle PF, Green/Blue, PARISHES, Fruit Bats
Plus the most extensive weekly concert listings in the Twin Cities.
FKA Twigs Is Local Music Now
Is Pitbull local music? Are Red Wing, Eau Claire, and Winona "local"? So many questions!
I Have a Very Big Theory About People Who Didn’t Grow up in Minneapolis
Saying goodbye to Ray Evangelista and the Black Dog, hello again to Diane and Golden Smog, in this week's local music roundup.
Is Live Music Going Away Again?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Plus a farewell to a bluegrass king, a new Cactus Blossoms vid, and a belated record release show in this week's local music roundup.
Dairy Queen is a Royal Pain for Local Songwriter Zaq Baker
Plus a 'Minneapolis Sound' museum proposal, Lady Midnight's night, and self-promotion disguised as a plug for non-commercial radio.