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Let’s Talk About Moving in This Friday’s Open Thread

It's time once again for us to turn Racket over to you, the readers.

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash|

Pictured: me on moving day

In case you haven't noticed, many of the prompts for these Open Threads are just things that happen to be on my mind for personal reasons. Currently, I'm packing up to move out of an apartment I've lived in for 11 years—which, now that I think about it, is the longest I've ever lived in one spot. I am one peripatetic motherfucker.

And that means this week I'm gonna ask y'all some questions about moving and staying put. How long have you been in the same place? What was your last move like? See if you can top my trajectory: New Jersey-Florida-New Jersey-Ohio-New Jersey-Washington-New Jersey-Minnesota-New York-Minnesota-Chicago-Pennsylvania-New York-Minnesota. (My latest move, incidentally, is just from Corcoran to Kingfield. Not even leaving south Minneapolis.)

Or, of course, you can just ignore this prompt and talk about whatever you want. This is your Open Thread after all.

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