Welcome to Event Horizon, your weekly roundup of the best events in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and beyond.

30 Days of Biking
The premise is simple: For the month of April, hop on your bike once a day and go somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a big deal—once around the block counts—but the idea is to get into the habit of riding and enjoying the world around you via bicycle. The 30-day challenge started as a Minnesota thing, but quickly became a worldwide phenomenon, with folks from around the globe pledging to participate. Here in town, there’s usually a variety of events throughout the month, including weekly rides with the Joyful Riders Club. Watch the org’s Facebook page for updates on group rides, and sign up for the challenge at 30daysofbiking.com. Through April 30—Jessica Armbruster

Meet at Mia: Shape of Time
Minneapolis Institute of Art
There's a party this Thursday at Mia in celebration of last month’s opening of "The Shape of Time: Korean Art After 1989." The exhibition features work by Korean artists born between 1960 and ’86 who are exploring the country's shift from authoritative rule to democracy, rapid globalization, and political tensions with their northern neighbors. Normally admission is $20, but it’s free tonight if you’re a member or sign up to become a member (don’t worry; there’s a membership tier that’s $0). Explore the galleries on your own or take a 30- or 60-minute guided tour. Other activities include hands-on crafts with the Textile Center, a dance performance from MKDC, and food and drink available from ParraLilly food truck and Agra Culture. You can sign up for membership here. Free. 5-9 p.m. 2400 Third Ave. S., Minneapolis.—Jessica Armbruster
Twins Home Opener
Target Field
Baseball is fun again! Last year MLB enacted changes—a pitch timer, limits on pitching changes, larger bases, and rules against defense shifts—that shaved 24 minutes off the average game, thus making it less boring. Adding to the fun: Your Minnesota Twins snapped a historic playoff losing streak, which you can read all about in this Racket piece from the late, great Twin Cities reporter G.R. Anderson Jr. OK, now that you’re up to speed let’s talk about the ’24 Twins vs. Guardians Home Opener at Target Field. The weather? Should be ideal for early April in downtown Minneapolis; we’re looking at highs in the mid-50s and partly cloudy. Twins greats Tony Oliva, Kent Hrbek, Justin Morneau, Tom Kelly, and Dan Gladden are expected to ceremonially open the ballpark gates at 1 p.m., and the first 10,000 fans through ‘em will receive a Twins beanie. Recently, er, retired Twins TV announcer Dick Bremer has first-pitch duties, followed by a solemn remembrance of the three first responders who died in a February shootout in Burnsville and a loud reminder of the military-industrial complex when a C-130 Hercules jet roars over Target Field. Then enjoy yourself some hardball: Always injured star Byron Buxton appears as healthy as ever (knocks thunderously on a wooden bat); frequently injured rising star Royce Lewis is out for at least a month; and ace pitcher Pablo López looks to be in fine form. This team expects to be playing deep into October. $29-$86. 3:10 p.m. 1 Twins Way, Minneapolis; find more info here.—Jay Boller
Herbie Hancock
State Theatre
For 30 years, Herbie Hancock seemed to be at the center of every great musical shift in jazz. In the ’60s, as the pianist for Miles Davis’s second great quintet, the pianist helped adapt post-bop ideas to a small combo setting, while also adding new standards to the jazz catalog as a composer and bandleader on albums like Maiden Voyage. In the ’70s, he took Miles’s complex fusion ideas in more accessible directions, and his landmark recording Head Hunters not only drew from funk and soul but influenced subsequent funk and soul musicians. And when so many serious musicians were dismissing rap as a novelty in the early ’80s Hancock dove right in with “Rockit.” As innovators will do, Hancock has slowed down over the years, though fine late career projects like River: The Joni Letters demonstrate that neither his chops or his mass sensibility had diminished. Now nearly 84, he won’t be on the road much longer, and if you need one last nudge, he’ll be bringing a helluva band to town with him: Terence Blanchard on trumpet, Devin Daniels on sax, bassist James Genus, drummer Trevor Lawrence Jr., and guitarist Lionel Loueke. $60-$130. 7:30 p.m. 805 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; find more info here.—Keith Harris
Sklar Brothers
Acme Comedy Co.
You know ‘em from those Sonic commercials; you’ve seen ‘em as ESPN talking heads; you’ve heard ‘em host seemingly dozens of podcasts. They’re the Sklar brothers, and the sibs from St. Louis are quite funny. Podcast-wise, Randy and Jason are always up to something, and their latest appears to be View from the Cheap Seats, a weekly sports-chatter pod. Comedy fans will recognize ‘em from bit TV parts over the past 20 years, including Entourage, Better Call Saul, and America’s Got Talent. Opening and featuring, respectively, are locals Wendy May and Nate Abshire. $20-$45. 8 p.m. Thu.; 7 & 9:30 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 708 N. First St., Minneapolis; find more info here.—Jay Boller

Cryptid Social
Dodge Nature Center
Last year, the U.S. government more or less confirmed that UFOs are real. So WTF else is out there? In this 90-minute talk by Dodge naturalists, they’ll take a look not at the mysteries of space but at the likelihood that all kinds of undiscovered creatures are walking around in our forests, parks, and backyards. Are they our friends or foes? And why doesn’t Bigfoot want to hang with us? This talk will also explore some lore deep cuts, like the Wapaloosie, a weiner dog-shaped creature with a mouse-like head whose fur can come back to life even after you skin it and make it into clothing. (Sounds legit!) Expect more of an examination of old folktales, recounts of odd sightings, and examples of unexplained phenomenon, less of a panic attack in the woods a la Mountain Monsters. 21+; pre registration is required here. $16. 6 p.m. Main Property (Farm Entrance), 1701 Charlton St., West St. Paul.—Jessica Armbruster
Nur-D with Minnesota Orchestra
Orchestra Hall
When last we heard from rapper Nur-D, he’d forsworn performing at First Avenue-owned venues. His decision to boycott, he said at the time, was in protest of the club asking him to share the stage with an alleged sexual abuser. And that’s Matt Allen in a nutshell—he may be known (rightly) as a genial, even comic performer, but he sticks to his principles. Allen was active as a medic during the protests after George Floyd’s murder, and responded to 2020 with a pair of albums, 38th and Chicago, that turned an eye toward Minneapolis’s racial problems. Allen also likes to do things big, and there’s no bigger gig than performing with an orchestra. (OK, there are stadiums and arenas and such, but I’m talking artistically.) He’s teamed up with Andy Thompson, who handled the arrangements for Dessa’s similar gig with the Minnesota Orchestra, which may give you a hint of what he’s got planned. Or maybe not—you never know with Nur-D. $49-$99. 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis; find more info here.—Keith Harris

Little Shop of Horrors (1984)–Director’s Cut
The Main Cinema
During a solar eclipse, an evil space plant lands on Earth. When Seymour (Rick Moranis) finds it in Chinatown and brings it back to the slummy flower shop he works for, and christens it Audrey II, after his crush at work. It brings the business fame and money but there’s one catch: Seymour must feed it. At first it only requires a few drops of blood but, as it grows in size, he must bring human victims to it, and soon the plant alien will spawn babies. How does it all end? It depends on the cut, and uh, here comes the spoilers on a nearly 38-year-old film based on a 42-year-old play that was based on a 64-year-old movie: In the theatrical cut, Seymour saves Audrey from the clutches of Audrey II and saves the day by murdering the plant and its babies. The director’s cut? An amazing plant apocalypse that crosses the Stay Puft Marshmallow scene from Ghostbusters with B-movie camp and top-notch puppetry (the ‘80s were all about puppetry). Speaking of puppets, Frank Oz (aka Yoda) directed this film, though at one point Martin Scorsese considered taking on the project and filming it in 3D. Now that would have been a different ending. This screening is part of the Midnight Mayhem series. $10. 10 p.m. 115 SE Main St., Minneapolis.—Jessica Armbruster
Burning Brothers Turns 10
Burning Brothers Brewing
Burning Brothers opened 10 years ago with a resounding mantra: Take a fucking hike, gluten! Today the St. Paul brewery will throw itself a birthday bash with oceans of grain-free suds, plus GF eats from Auntie M’s and Chicago-style grub from Smug Pug Truck. The festivities will begin with a gluten-shunning cookie decorating contest, followed by a special round of games from Trivia Mafia. Will things conclude with honest-to-god fire eating performance from brewery co-founders Dane Breimhorst and Thom Foss? Remarkably, yes. The buddies learned professional fire eating in their past lives with the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. “Traveling the circuit, sticking flaming torches in each other’s mouths, and sharing a tent trailer cemented their friendship,” reads the BB website. How about that? Free. Noon to 10 p.m.1750 Thomas Ave. W., St. Paul; find more info here.—Jay Boller
Third Anniversary Burger Bash
328 Grill
In February, in these very digital pages, our intrepid burg reporter Jay Boller explored the trend of buzzy chefs setting up shop in local legion halls and VFWs—a win for all parties in seemingly all cases. One such collaboration found Mik German, the chef/founder of 328 Grill, coming to the kitchen of St. Paul Park’s American Legion Post 98, where they’re "doing nine times more food sales than they were before we were here," according to German. If you haven’t yet, try ‘em out for the first time at this anniversary burger bash, where 328 will be joined by a host of special guests that includes MPS Burgers faves Angry Line Cook, Garillers, Station No. 6, and The Salsa Collaborative, plus Peppers and Fries, The Eggroll Queen, Shoo-Ga, and Parralily. Free. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 328 Broadway Ave., St. Paul Park; find more info here.—Em Cassel

66th Annual GSTA Rod & Custom Spectacular Car Show
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
What’s one of the brightest signs of spring? The return of meticulously maintained vintage autos, modded vehicles, and neon-colored hot rods. But before they hit the streets on a regular basis, many park themselves inside the State Fairgrounds, inviting folks to gaze upon them in all their pristine glory. And that’s what you can do at this two-day metalfest, where over 100 cars will be on display and competing in a variety of competitions. Chat with car owners, view a model car exhibition, and bring the kids Sgt. Hot Wheels for a free toy car. Find details and more info here. $18; $7 kids. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. 1265 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul.—Jessica Armbruster
Marc Maron
Pantages Theatre
Regular WTF listeners have heard Maron repeatedly tease his retirement from standup comedy. The alt-comedy/podcasting great remains at the top of his game, so here’s hoping this isn’t his last Minnesota gig. If it is, however, fans will hear an old-school pro whose club-polished act has evolved into something special: longform, conversational ruminations on politics that never feel preachy, on mortality that rarely feels morose. Maron considers his latest special, last year’s From Bleak to Dark, to be something of a definitive artistic statement, and it is fantastic. Old-school Maron-heads such as myself, however, will always have a soft spot for his rawer, open-vein hours like 2009’s Final Engagement, which came out on locally based label Stand Up! Records. In any event, if you’ve read this far you’re likely a What the Fucketeer, a What the Fucknik, etc., and your parasocial pod relationship compels you to catch Marc at Pantages. $49.50-$69.50. 7 p.m. 710 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; find more info here.—Jay Boller

Blood Memory: Candida Gonzalez
Public Functionary
How do you connect to your ancestors when you live thousands of miles away? In “Blood Memory,” south Minneapolis-raised artist Candida Gonzalez brings Puerto Rico to them via food, music, jewelry, and everyday objects. For this P-Func show, they’ve created six multimedia installations featuring collage, photography, and audio elements. Each section is dedicated to a different room of the home, including the kitchen and the bedroom, with participatory altars to help you invoke personal memories along the way. There’s an opening reception scheduled this week on Friday, March 22, from 6 to 10 p.m. (masks are required the first hour). Otherwise, you can check out the show during open hours Thursdays through Saturdays. Be sure to bring earbuds for your phone; this is an exhibition meant to be heard as well. 1500 Jackson St. NE, Studio 144, Minneapolis. Through April 13—Jessica Armbruster
Northern Clay Center
This ongoing exhibition at Northern Clay finds Asian-American artists incorporating the aesthetics of food into their (inedible) ceramic works. “Our relationship to what we eat is the most intimate possible: the food we consume literally constitutes our bodies, and the ways we consume it link us to each other, our loved ones, and our ancestors,” the organizers of “Edible” write. See artists explore that relationship in their work, from Brooklyn-based ceramicist Jacqueline Tse’s skull-studded porcelain desserts to Minneapolis-based multimedia artist Anika Hsiung Schneider’s dumplings and bai cai. Participating artists also include Ling Chun, Jennifer Ling Datchuk, and Cathy Lu. 2424 Franklin Avenue E., Minneapolis; find more info here. Through April 21—Em Cassel
The Other Four
Weisman Art Museum
Have you ever come across a tactile-looking piece of art at a gallery and wished you could reach out and touch it? Well, you can at the Weisman’s new group exhibition. “The Other Four” asks guests to rely less on sight and more on smell, taste, touch, and sound. So museum etiquette be damned, you’re welcome to sniff, listen, and grope these pieces to your heart’s content. (We’re not sure how taste plays into this show, but according to the press release that’s on the table as well.) The collection features 16 multimedia works by 21 contemporary artists, and that includes pieces exploring technology, performance, experimentation, and interactive play. “Most of us are so accustomed to the dominance of our sense of sight that we often forget it is operating… sometimes causing one to drift off into thought and miss the moment,” notes local artist John Scheurman, curator of the show. There will be an opening party this Thursday, February 8, from 7 to 10 p.m. with music, apps, and a cash bar (tickets are $20/free if you’re a U student). A free artists’ roundtable is also scheduled for 6 p.m Thursday, April 3. 333 E. River Pkwy., Minneapolis. Through May 19—Jessica Armbruster
Arctic Highways: Unbounded Indigenous People
American Swedish Institute
This winter, ASI is showcasing the work of 12 Indigenous artists from Sápmi, the Sámi people’s name for the arctic land they inhabit and travel, ranging from Alaska to Scandinavia to Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia. That may sound like a huge swath of land, but the connections are stronger than the miles here. “We are indigenous peoples who live in different countries and on different continents, and yet regard ourselves as peoples with kindred spirits,” the collective artist statement explains. “With this exhibition we want to tell our own story, through our own experiences, using our own forms of expression.” Pieces include photography, textile work, sculptures, and duodji handcrafts. The museum’s “first look” party this Friday, from 6 to 9 p.m. features live music, live reindeer, and hands-on art making. Tickets are $30 for the opening party, otherwise the show is free with admission ($6-$13). 2600 Park Ave., Minneapolis. Through May 26—Jessica Armbruster
Tetsuya Yamada: Listening
Walker Art Center
This winter, as performers from around the world will be heading to the Walker for its annual Out There Series, the galleries will be staying local, showcasing the work of ceramicist Tetsuya Yamada. For this survey, the Japanese-born, Minnesota-residing U of M prof will share over 65 pieces, including drawings, notes, and many, many everyday examples of ceramics–plates, vases, coffee mugs, and more. The title of the exhibition, “Listening,” refers to the instinctual choices an artist makes along the way to creating something. “The process might take me to places I didn’t imagine initially,” he explains. “This is the fundamental of studio practice for me.” There will be an opening reception this Thursday, January 18, with free admission from 5 to 9 p.m. and an artist’s talk at 7 p.m. (Stop by the Main Lobby Desk for tickets.) 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis. Through July 7—Jessica Armbruster