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Jay Boller

Co-owner/editor of Racket.

Cops Sure Like to Take Stuff

Plus LGBTQ books targeted, MIGIZI's new digs, and saving up snow in today's Flyover news roundup.

So About Those Communist Recruitment Posters All Over the U…

Plus what's next for the Lyndale White Castle, doubting Target, and local candy history in today's Flyover news roundup.

It’s Opening Night at Cloudland Theater

Plus proposed Nicollet revamps, a long walk to Target Field, and Jacob Frey returns to civic cheerleading in today's Flyover news roundup.

Wanna Buy a Historically Protected Healy Home Built for a Jewelry Magnate?

David Marquardt, aka the 'Mayor of Healy Block,' is selling the historic house after 31 years.

October 4, 2023

Strib Drops Cartoonist, Adds Weed Newsletter

Plus the Merwin Liquors problem, televised local music, and a beautiful glimpse into the soul of Minnesota in today's Flyover news roundup.

Guess Where the Minneapolis Republican Party Just Held an Open House Fundraiser…

The party is eyeballing the office space above the notorious ol' Clubhouse Jager as a potential headquarters.

October 3, 2023

Local Twitter Thwarting Frey’s Plans to End Homelessness 

Plus NSFW MPD, the guv's crumbling house, and more climate dread in today's Flyover news roundup.

Forget Uptown—Is Dinkytown Dead?

Plus a wacko sheriff to visit, gettin' crossfaded with MinnPost, and Ecuadoran fruit sellers in today's Flyover news roundup.

Best Budget Bites: $8.75 Egg Sandwich from Sun Street Breads

Let's relitigate the Great Twin Cities Egg Sandwich War.

September 29, 2023