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RacketCast, Ep. 4: Ghost Hunting feat. the Twin Cities Paranormal Society

Learn how to deal with your ghost problems and so much more.

Twin Cities Paranormal Society|

A 2016 investigation at the Palmer House Hotel & Restaurant in Sauk Centre, Minnesota.

There's no disputing it: This is the spookiest episode in RacketCast history.

First up, we've got Dan Suitor, winner of last year's skyway-themed flash-fiction horror contest, doing a bone-chilling reading of his spooktacular winning story, Skyway Hungers.

Then Em and Jay chitchat about their gun bingo and bigfoot conference stories (what a website!) before our seasonally appropriate guest arrives: Dawn McClain, leader of and investigator with the Twin Cities Paranormal Society.

Happy Halloween!

Wanna advertise on RacketCast? Email us at Special thanks to local band Van Stee for supplying our podcast music!

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