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Let’s Talk About RacketCast in This Week’s Open Thread. It’s a Podcast. From Racket.

As we do every Friday we're turning Racket over to you, the readers.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

We've been threatening to start a podcast for so long that I understand if you've lost hope in it ever happening. Sometimes we weren't so sure ourselves.

But! This week Em and Jay said "fuck it" and just sat down and chatted for a bit. And though we're not exactly objective listeners, the results sound pretty damn good to us. So here it is: RacketCast.

For today's Open Thread, we're looking for a little feedback. How did it sound? What did we do right? What do you want more of? Less of? What are your favorite podcasts? What ideas can we steal from them?

You can also talk about podcasts generally in this thread as well. Or as I say every week, feel free to ignore this prompt and talk about whatever you want. This is your Open Thread, after all.

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