Kim’s Union Wins!
Plus let's help Minneapolis Voices, a movie theater is reborn, and Bigfoot = Minnesotan in today's Flyover news roundup.
Pride in Print: Remembering the Local LGBTQ+ Publications of Yesteryear
Plus Royce White's GOTV fail, car thefts decline, and an old cop bar reopens in today's Flyover news roundup.
Read Ann Kim’s Anti-Union Messages to Staff
Plus 19 Bar fighting on, the Minnesota Marx, and dire dam disaster dispatches in today's Flyover news roundup.
‘Somebody Has to Do It’: Meet the Man Archiving Retro Twin Cities TV
Tom Oszman's 15-year-old nonprofit, TC Media Now, is dedicated to unearthing and digitizing local TV broadcasts of yore.
Baffling Simonetti Saga Now Involves: Revoked Licenses, Grindr Pranks, Parking Violations Galore
Plus more drama at the U, Minneapolis claims bike crown, and fingerboard skatepark debuts in the 'burbs in today's Flyover news roundup.
‘She Threw a Live Tarantula’: Family Values Candidate Arrested on Assault Charges
Plus Mickey's might be on the move, damn dam disasters, and gymnastics explainers in today's Flyover news roundup.
Cops Probably Make More Money Than You. And They’re Getting a Raise.
Plus catching up with Rick Nelson, Pine City's new mayor, and some local Kmart history in today's Flyover news roundup.
Say Hello to Target’s New Satanic AI Helper
Plus MN great for college grads, Up North gets major rain, and debunking a highly cited paper in today's Flyover news roundup.
Racket Racks Up 5 Journalism Awards: A Conversation with Keith Harris, Our Big Winner
Harris scored a hat trick, including two first-places finishes.
RIP to Minneapolis Baseball Legend Willie Mays
Plus a Black bookstore for sale, modular builds coming to north Minneapolis, and Spruce Tree Center is in 'Minecraft' in today's Flyover news roundup.