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Jay Boller

Co-owner/editor of Racket.

My Strange Morning at MN’s Buggy ‘AI-Driven Networking’ Experiment

United We Transform bills itself as 'an unconventional gathering of Minnesotans shaping and accelerating a new economy,' and promises attendees will make '10 meaningful connections.' Here's our reporter's journey into the glitchy future of corporate schmoozing.

Bring Ya Ass: OK, Where Would Charles Barkley ACTUALLY Wanna Eat in the Twin Cities?

Sir Charles is getting some pretty phoned-in food/drink advice.

Strib Analysis: American Dream Is Dead, Especially for Minnesotans

Plus a new downtown Minneapolis chicken joint, a voting rights bill passes, and reporting leads to change in today's Flyover news roundup.

Alleged Mayo Clinic HR Email Details ‘Union Avoidance’ Strategy

Plus an MN climate predictor, more reasons to love libraries, and Duluth's lone record shop in today's Flyover news roundup.

Annie’s Parlour Is Finally Back: Does It Live Up to Your Nostalgia?

The Dinkytown institution is back to serving burgers and malts after going dark for almost four years.

Two Dudes Casually Offered $20 Naz Reid Tattoos. Hundreds Have Claimed the Deal.

The whirlwind sale will conclude whenever the Wolves exit the playoffs. It might be awhile.

Wanna Buy a Midcentury Richfield Time Capsule for $425K?

Incredibly well-preserved and reasonably priced.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry: We’re Taking the Soucheray Bait

Plus a W for press freedom, a rare old plane, and cheap concert tickets in today's Flyover news roundup.

Big Corn: We Are NOT Brainwashing Minneapolis Schoolchildren

A Racket reader demanded to know one way or the other.