Jay Boller
Co-owner/editor of Racket.
Should the Menacing Coon Rapids Turkey Be Executed?
Plus evictions are up, RIP Terry Bellamy, and the curious state of Lilek's column in today's Flyover.
The Bloody History of Minneapolis Squirrel Slaughter
Plus an African perspective on sulfide mining, a groundbreaking local pro athlete, and some thoughts on biking in today's Flyover.
Point/Counterpoint: Lake Chipotle Is Kind of Amusing vs. FUCK LAKE CHIPOTLE
Inside the debate that is tearing Racket apart
State Addresses Homelessness by Bulldozing People’s Homes
Plus our hideous football mausoleum, restaurant closings, and bus drivers wanted in today's Flyover.
Tony Dungy and Matt Birk Have Always Been the Same Guy
Dungy's recent litter box comments shouldn't surprise anyone; the Gopher great/Hall of Fame coach has been a religious-right bigot for decades.
A Big Ol’ Kowalski’s Is Coming to Southdale
Plus a call for on-campus abortion clinics, Pride expands, and the DFL transportation plans in today's Flyover.
How Real Is ‘The Craig Finn Curse’?
With news of Party City's bankruptcy, we explore other Finn lyrical references that later met grim fates.
U of M Regent Says Gabel’s Conflict of Interest Is Illegal
Plus Jesus drama at MOA, glowing purple streets, and Stella's Fish Café hits the auction block in today's Flyover.
We Gotta Talk About Sheriff Hutch’s Instagram Account
@dave_that_dude_blue is really posting through it.
Guess Who’s Playing the New Uptown Music Venue’s Grand Opening
Plus a post office for Jim Hagedorn, State Fair price increases, and snow removal woes continue in today's Flyover.