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Jay Boller

Co-owner/editor of Racket.

January Heat Wave Takes Events Off Ice

Plus the Floyd family set up a fund for BIPOC businesses, CAIR's national office sides with the Hamline prof, and the Strib asks why Edina has better snow plow results.

The U of M Quietly Killed the ‘Paint the Bridge’ Tradition

The decades-long ritual of student groups painting the Washington Avenue Bridge officially ended in 2021.

January 13, 2023

Regulating Rideshare Apps in Mpls? It Just Might Happen.

Plus licensing immigrants, gouging prices, and a big collapse in today's Flyover.

Massive Fuckup Gifted Gainful Employment

Plus merger blowback, a budget proposal, and the return of a chain restaurant in today's Flyover.

DIY Dildo Kit Hurled Into Traffic from Downtown Balcony

Plus a voting overhaul, a bad cop recruitment video, and a giant snowman in today's Flyover.

Wanna Buy 3 Giant, Vacant Minneapolis Public Schools?

Just don't plan on using the schools as schools.

January 10, 2023

Job Opens up at City Council

Plus a new KQ host, a Hamline controversy goes national, and a bad shade of blue in today's Flyover.

Minneapolis Loses 20% of Its Taco Bells

Plus St. Paul's new reparations committee, a case for daily walking, and Frey's take on the plow situation in today's Flyover.

Another Major Music Venue Coming to Uptown: Peek Inside Green Room

The 400-capacity venue/bar/restaurant could be open by the end of the month.

January 6, 2023