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tim walz

Democrats Ran Away From Walz’s Vision and Accomplishments. It Cost Them.

The Democratic machine snuffed out the greatest strengths of its VP selection.

November 15, 2024

Veepstakes 1976: Did Local Media Cover Mondale’s VP Chances as Breathlessly as Walz’s?

Minnesota's last VP nominee was 48 years ago. Things have changed since then.

Uber/Lyft Task Force Proves Task Farce

Plus U.S. Bank fined $21M, our quotable pols, and a cat for the Guv in today's Flyover.

December 21, 2023

Pardon Me? NYT Goes Long on Minnesota Board of Pardons.

Plus a Third Precinct update, an MEA primer, and lotsa food news in today's Flyover news roundup.

Local Twitter Thwarting Frey’s Plans to End Homelessness 

Plus NSFW MPD, the guv's crumbling house, and more climate dread in today's Flyover news roundup.

Hub Capped, Exits Minnehaha

Plus Champlin's secession thoughts, a history of homelessness, and the guv loses a cat in today's Flyover.

Let’s Peek Inside Walz’s Very Expensive, Very ’90s Temporary Governor’s Mansion

The state will pay $17,326 per month to rent a GOP politician's suburban home.

March 27, 2023

President Tim Walz?

Plus a new Current host, free school lunches, and another festival canceled in today's Flyover.

You Won’t BELIEVE How Many Minnesotans Scored James Beard Noms. (Five.)

Plus the return of the Timmy stimmy, organic farm scams, and new parking rules in today's Flyover.

The Strib Fed an Intern Drugs

Plus bonus election year cops, dead media for sale, and shuffleboard in Loring Park in today's Flyover.

August 12, 2022