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jacob frey

NY Times Salutes ‘Brave’ Mayor Frey

Plus streaming local sports, a manhole mishap, and a charitable windfall in today's Flyover.

August 17, 2022

NY Times George Floyd Story Is Why We Need Local Journalism

Plus controversial city government nom chugs along, Big Ag vs. Big Meat, and getting (lightly) stoned buddddday in today's Flyover.

Sir, That’s Clearly Your Police Department

Plus, the most vulnerable catalytic converters, Target-ed ads, and the cruelest April in today's Flyover.

Frey to Govern via Incomprehensible PowerPoint Slides

Plus new COVID variant drops, Camdi closes, and outlawing crazy sports parents in today's Flyover.

March 23, 2022

Report: Frey Failed

Plus Matt Birk's alleged Chipotle sins, reports from the picket line, and the latest branded art exhibit for suckers in today's Flyover.

Frey Declares Moratorium on Warrants He Already Said He Banned

Plus more about the response to the police killing of Amir Locke in today's Flyover.

February 7, 2022

Who Wants to Read 4,600 Words About Jacob Frey’s Feelings?

Plus delayed report of cops emerges, caucus fever, and a breaking story about a Richfield shooting in today's Flyover.

February 1, 2022

Pri-i-vate Eyes 👏👏 They’re Watching … Southwest Mpls?

Plus a changing of the Mpls guard, Tesla despoiling northern Minnesota, and a local angle on global warming in today's Flyover.

January 11, 2022

Where’d WCCO Go?

Plus a north Mpls. pizza place derailed, affordable housing in St. Paul, and a mayor who doesn't know his own strength in today's Flyover.

November 18, 2021

So… Yeah… the Election… Well… Uh…

Time to talk about what happened last night in today's Flyover.

November 3, 2021