One of the most rewarding aspects of running Racket has been watching a friendly, supportive comments section develop below our stories. You all have been on the internet long enough to know what a rarity that is. And on Friday's open threads, you've started interacting with each other in a way that's a real pleasure to witness.
A key figure in making that happen isn't a Racket staffer at all, and you know just who I mean. For months, we at Racket guessed (incorrectly!) at Taco Mike's true identity. "Who is this guy who leaves a genuinely thoughtful comment on every story?" we wondered. He turned out to be someone we hadn't known, though we all eventually met him in person. Don't worry, we won't dox him here.
Today is a special day: Taco Mike's birthday. And so, we invite you to wish the top commenter in my heart and yours all the best. And also to talk about whatever else you want.