RIP Claes Oldenburg. Heaven Must Have Been Missing a Giant Spoon.
Plus another plan for Hiawatha Golf Course, a drive-in stays closed, and women win again in today's Flyover.
They’re Trying to Make ‘Minneapolis South’ Happen
Plus budget surplus woes, Shakespeare canceled, and Fortress Target in today's Flyover
Fake DHS Creep Sentenced to 6 Years, TikTok Now Free of Lies
Plus bad cops making good money, tribal land reclaimed, and Racket fights for your honor in today's Flyover.
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Support Your Child’s Musical Dreams
Plus St. Louis Park's sewage woes, a local 'Jeopardy!' winner, and pot party perils in today's Flyover.
Guess How Many Guns Are in Minnesota?
Plus arts education endangered again, talking race in school, and the squirrels are fucking with us in today's Flyover.
What the Fuck Was That Loud Noise Earlier?
Plus evictions spike, cop pensions balloon, and Annandale's "political" rainbows in today's Flyover.
Matt Birk, Millionaire Free-Market Bootstrapper, Got a $64K PPP Handout
The aspiring lieutenant governor grabbed free government money for his two-man public speaking company. He's apparently one of the men.
Jesse Ventura Hopes You Got Time to Read
Plus Cory Hepola's gone, some Stone Arch Bridge fun, and the Strib's Mara obsession in today's Flyover.
More Grim PR for MPR
Plus landlords, bad cops, and a good newspaper with a job opening in today's Flyover.
NY Times George Floyd Story Is Why We Need Local Journalism
Plus controversial city government nom chugs along, Big Ag vs. Big Meat, and getting (lightly) stoned buddddday in today's Flyover.